Heidi Mclaughlin

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Dr. Crane is a Professor of Medicine in the Division of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. She is the Associate Director of the UW Centers for AIDS Research (CFAR) Clinical Epidemiology and Health Services Research (CE&HSR) Core, which promotes research comparing the effectiveness of management strategies for HIV-infected patients in routine clinical practice. She is also Medical Director of the Madison HIV Metabolic clinic.
Her research interests include chronic complications of HIV, including metabolic issues and cardiovascular disease; adherence; substance use, and other patient-reported outcomes. Dr. Crane is co-chair of the Centers for AIDS Research Network of Integrated Clinical Systems (CNICS) sociobehavioral working group, and leads the CNICS Patient Reported Outcomes Committee. She oversaw development and integration of a clinical assessment of sociobehavioral measures including medication adherence that are now systematically collected at routine clinic appointments at a number of HIV clinics across the US (Seattle, Boston, San Diego, Birmingham, San Francisco, Baltimore, Chapel Hill, etc.) as part of CNICS. She is co-PI of a Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information Systems (PROMIS) NIH Roadmap initiative UO1 on measuring patient reported outcomes (PROs) in clinical care for HIV-infected patients. She is co-PI of a study examining genetic contributions to cardiovascular disease among patients with HIV. She is also co-PI of a data harmonization center for 21 NIDA-funded RO1 projects on substance abuse and HIV among criminal justice and other vulnerable patient populations.
education & training
MD, University of Washington, Seattle, WA (1998)
MPH, University of Washington, Seattle, WA (2002)
Internship, Primary Care Internal Medicine, Barnes-Jewish Hospitals, Washington University, St.Louis, MO (1998-1999)
Residency Training, Primary Care Internal Medicine, Barnes-Jewish Hospitals, Washington University, St.Louis, MO (1999-2001)
Fellowship training, Infectious Disease, University of Washington, Seattle, WA (2001-2004)
University of Washington School of Medicine Alumni Early Achievement (2018)
Society of General Internal Medicine Lawrence S. Linn Award
Brystol-Myers Squibb Virology HIV Fellowship Research Fellow
American Academy of HIV Medicine HIV Specialist
General Clinical Research Center Pilot Award