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Research Interests
- Herpesvirus infections
- Clinical epidemiology
- Clinical trials
- Vaccine development
clincal interests
- Clinical virology
- Sexually transmitted diseases
- Infections in immunocompromised host
Phi Betta Kappa, Wesleyan University (1979)
American Social Health Association Fellowship (1994)
The Clinical Research Meeting Trainee Investigator Award (1995)
University of Washington STD CRC New Investigator Award (1994)
Fialkow Scholar Award (2000)
ASTDA Achievement Award (2004)
UW Medicine Award for Excellence in Mentoring Women and Minorities (2006)
Association of American Physicians (2010)
Award for Scientific Advancement, Association for Women in Science, Seattle (2014)
WSCI Outstanding investigator Award (2014)
ASTDA Distinguished Career Award (2015)
31st Annual Indiana University Sch of Medicine Sexually Transmitted Diseases Lecture (2017)
Mount Sinai Alumni Saul Horowitz, Jr, Memorial Award (2019)
IDSA Foundation's Woman of ID (2019)
International Society for Antiviral Research Women in Science Speaker (2020)
IDSA John F. Enders Lectureship (2020)
Barnabas RV, Brown ER, Bershteyn A, Stankiewicz Karita HC, Johnston C, Thorpe LE, Kottkamp A, Neuzil KM, Laufer M, Deming M, Paasche-Orlow MK, Kissinger PJ, Luk A, Paolino K, Landovitz RJ, Hoffman R, Schaafsma TT, Krows ML, Thomas KK, Morrison S, Haugen HS, Kidoguchi L, Wener M, Greninger AL, Huang M-L, Jerome KR, Wald A, Celum C, Chu HY, Baeten JM; Hydroxychloroquine COVID-19 PEP Study Team. Hydroxychloroquine for post-exposure prophylaxis to prevent acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-cov-2) infection: A randomized trial. Ann Int Med 2021;174(3):344.
Boonyaratanakornkit J, Morishima C, Selke S, Zamora D, McGuffin S, Shapiro AE, Campbell VL, McClurkan CL, Jing L, Gross R, Liang J, Postnikova E, Mazur S, Chaudhary A, Das MK, Fink SL, Bryan A, Greninger AL, Jerome KR, Holbrook MR, Gernsheimer TB, Wener MH, Wald A*, Koelle DM*. Clinical, laboratory, and temporal predictors of neutralizing antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 after COVID-19. (*co-senior authors) J Clin Invest. 2021;131(3):e144930.
Yu KKQ, Fischinger S, Smith MT, Atyeo C, Cizmeci D, Wolf CR, Layton ED, Logue JK, Aguilar MS, Shuey K, Loos C, Yu J, Franko N, Choi RY, Wald A, Barouch DH, Koelle DM, Lauffenburger D, Chu HY, Alter G, Seshadri C. T cell and antibody functional correlates of severe COVID-19. medRxiv. 2020 Nov 30:2020.11.25.20235150. doi: 10.1101/2020.11.25.20235150. Preprint.
Phan IQ, Subramanian S, Kim D, Carter L, King N, Anishchenko I, Barrett LK, Craig J, Tillery L, Shek R, Harrington WE, Koelle DM, Wald A, Boonyaratanakornkit J, Isoherranen N, Greninger AL, Jerome KR, Chu H, Staker B, Stewart L, Myler PJ, Van Voorhis WC. In silico detection of SARS-CoV-2 specific B-cell epitopes and validation in ELISA for serological diagnosis of COVID-19. Scientific Reports. 2021;11(1):4290
Elyanow R, Snyder TM, Dalai SC, Gittelman RM, Boonyaratanakornkit J, Wald A, Selke S, Wener MH, Morishima C, Greninger A, Holbrook MR, Kaplan IM, Carlson JM, Zahid HJ, Baldo L, Manley T, Robins H, Koelle DM. 2021. T-cell receptor sequencing identifies prior SARS-CoV-2 infection and correlates with neutralizing antibody titers and disease severity. Preprint posted as PMID 33791723.
Johnston C, Brown ER, Stewart J, Karita HCS, Kissinger PJ, Dwyer J, Hosek S, Oyedele T, Paasche-Orlow MK, Paolino K, Heller KB, Leingang H, Haugen HS, Dong TQ, Bershteyn A, Sridhar AR, Poole J, Noseworthy PA, Ackerman MJ, Morrison S, Greninger AL, Huang ML, Jerome KR, Wener MH, Wald A, Schiffer JT, Celum C, Chu HY, Barnabas RV, Baeten JM; COVID-19 Early Treatment Study Team. Hydroxychloroquine with or without azithromycin for treatment of early SARS-CoV-2 infection among high-risk outpatient adults: A randomized clinical trial. EClinicalMedicine. 2021;33:100773.