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Dr. Olusegun Soge is a microbiologist with expertise in molecular diagnostics of infectious diseases, molecular epidemiology, surveillance of antimicrobial resistance, and genetic characterization of antimicrobial resistance of sexually transmitted pathogens and other clinically important pathogenic bacteria. He collaborates with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the State Department of Health-STD/HIV Programs in Washington, Oregon, Hawaii, California, Texas, and their Public Health Laboratories, to monitor trends in gonococcal antimicrobial resistance and provide data to guide evidence‐based selection of effective treatment regimens for gonorrhea. Dr. Soge serves as a laboratory consultant and collaborator on the development of new diagnostic tests for STIs; and works with pharmaceutical companies on the evaluation of new antimicrobial compounds as promising treatment options for gonorrhea.
Soge OO, Salipante SJ, No D, Duffy E, Roberts MC. In vitro activity of delafloxacin against clinical Neisseria gonorrhoeae isolates and selection of gonococcal delafloxacin resistance. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2016 Apr 22; 60(5):3106-11.
• PubMed Abstract
Kirkcaldy RD, Hook EW 3rd, Soge OO, del Rio C, Kubin G, Zenilman JM, Papp JR. Trends in Neisseria gonorrhoeae Susceptibility to Cephalosporins in the United States, 2006-2014. JAMA. 2015 Nov 3; 314(17):1869-71. PMID: 26529166.
• PubMed Abstract
Gose SO, Soge OO, Beebe JL, Nguyen D, Stoltey JE, Bauer HM. Failure of azithromycin 2.0 g in the treatment of gonococcal urethritis caused by high-level resistance in California. Sex Transm Dis. 2015 May; 42(5):279-80. PMID: 25868141
• PubMed Abstract
Kirkcaldy RD, Soge OO, Papp JR, Hook EW 3rd, del Rio C, Kubin G, Weinstock HS. Analysis of Neisseria gonorrhoeae azithromycin susceptibility in the United States by the Gonococcal Isolate Surveillance Project, 2005 to 2013. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2015 Feb; 59(2):998-1003.
• PubMed Abstract