
(206) 616-5978
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Dr. LaCourse’s research focuses on improving TB screening, diagnosis, and prevention in peripartum people and children in high HIV-burden settings. Additional research interests include SARS-CoV-2 in peripartum people.
Dr. LaCourse is a GWACh (Global Women, Adolescent, and Child health) scientific lead, Seattle TB Research Advancement Center (SEATRAC) Development Core co-Director, Kenya Research and Training Center (KRTC) faculty member, and TB ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) faculty. She is committed to the inclusion of children and pregnant women in HIV/TB research as an IMPAACT (International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Network) TB Scientific Committee mentored junior investigator, and International Union Against TB and Lung Disease Maternal Child Health Working Group Scientific Co-Lead.
She is an attending physician at the Madison HIV clinic and infectious diseases, general medicine, and HIV inpatient services at the University of Washington and Harborview Medical Centers.
research interests
My primary research interest is improving TB screening and prevention in peripartum people and children in high HIV/TB burden settings. Recent work has focused on novel non-sputum based TB diagnostics and the effect of pregnancy on LTBI screening and prevention approaches, as well as collaborating with TB immunologist to better understand the unique feature of these populations and how they may effect TB pathogenesis.
clinical interests
- TB/LTBI (including PLHIV, children, and women of childbearing potential)
- HIV PEP in adolescents
education & training
MD, University of Louisville School of Medicine (AOA), Louisville KY (2007)
Internal Medicine/Pediatrics Residency, Warren Alpert Medical School of Medicine, Brown University, Province RI (2007-2011)
NIH Fogarty International Clinical Research Fellowship, UNC Project, Lilongwe, Malawi (2011-2012)
Fellow, Division of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, University of Washington, Seattle WA (2012-2015)
MPH Epidemiology, Global Health Track University of Washington, Seattle WA (2013-2015)
AOA, University of Louisville, School of Medicine (2007)
National Medicine/ Pediatrics Residency Association Advocacy/ Community Service Award (2009)
CFAR International Pilot Project Award (2014)
Firland Foundation Bridge Funding Award (2015)
K23 Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award (2016)
AIDS 2016 Scholarship Award (2016)
CFAR New Investigator Award (2016)
Chair of Medicine Scholar's Award (2018)
Robert W. Anderson Endowed Chair in Medicine in HIV Award (2021)