David N.

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The Fredricks lab has developed expertise in the use of molecular methods for the detection and identification of microbes without cultivation, facilitating the study of fastidious or uncultivated microbes infecting humans. We have used these methods to study microbial populations in diverse human body niches such as the genital tract, gut, and mouth. We have developed a platform for broad-range 16S rRNA gene PCR coupled with high-throughput sequencing and phylogenetic analysis for taxonomic identification of bacteria in human samples. This platform provides data on representation and relative abundance of bacterial species at fine taxonomic resolution (species level). We have also developed a panel of taxon-directed quantitative PCR (qPCR) assays to measure concentrations of bacteria and how they change over time and under different influences. For example, we have identified novel vaginal bacteria associated with bacterial vaginosis and with elevated HIV infection risk in women. We are currently studying the role of gut bacteria in graft-versus-host disease after hematopoietic cell transplantation. Our goal is to advance our understanding of how the indigenous microbiota impacts human health, and to use this knowledge to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic tools. In addition, our lab studies of fungal diagnostics and antifungal therapies.
research interests
- Collaborations involving the impact of microbial communities on physiology, immunity, drug metabolism, and susceptibility to disease.
- The human microbiome with a focus on the genital tract microbiota and its association with adverse health outcomes.
- The gut microbiota of cancer patients as predictor of complications and outcomes.
clinical interests
- Fungal and bacterial infections in patients with cancer
Education & Training
1979-1983 BS, Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
1982-1984 MS, Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
1986-1990 MD, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
1990-1993 Intern and Resident, Department of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco
1994-1998 Fellow, Division of Infectious Diseases and Geographic Medicine, Stanford University
2008 Elected to Fellow, American College of Physicians
2011 Elected to Fellow, Infectious Diseases Society of America