This is unpublished

David H.

Infectious Diseases
Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Allergy & Infectious Diseases
Clinical Director, Mountain West AIDS Education & Training Center
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Dr. Spach is a clinician-teacher based at Harborview Medical Center. His primary clinical focus is in the area of general infectious disease and HIV care. He is board-certified in internal medicine and infectious diseases.

Dr. Spach is the Principal Investigator/Clinical Director for the Mountain West AIDS Education and Training Center (MWAETC) and Editor-in-Chief/author for five federally-funded educational web sites:

·         National STD Curriculum

·         National HIV Curriculum

·         National HIV PrEP Curriculum

·         Hepatitis C Online

·         Hepatitis B Online

He has published in numerous medical resources, including The New England Journal of MedicineJAMAThe Annals of Internal MedicineEmerging Infectious DiseasesThe Journal of Infectious Diseases, Up-to-Date, and Harrison’s Textbook of Medicine

Dr. Spach received his undergraduate degree from the University of Virginia and his M.D. from Duke University. He did his internship, residency, chief residency, and infectious diseases fellowship training at the University of Washington. Dr. Spach has been a faculty member at the University of Washington since 1992. He has received multiple teaching honors, including the 2010 Ryan White National AIDS Education and Training Center Award, the University of Washington Department of Medicine Paul Beeson teaching award, the Marvin Turck Outstanding Teaching Award, and the University of Washington Outstanding Faculty CME Award. 
